Find out what's in store for you at Kingdom Summit 2021!

Hear from World-Renowned Scholars on Christianity, its Jewish Roots, the Kingdom of God, and its Relevance in Today's World!

Why You Should Attend Kingdom Summit 2022!

One of the greatest challenges in the Body of Christ today is that most pastors, church leaders, and every day Christians have limited to no knowledge about what the Bible actually teaches about the Kingdom of God. This lack of Kingdom teaching has caused the church to miss the message of Christ, which has negatively impacted the church’s mission and ministry.

Christ is coming back and the end will come! The Bible teaches however that before these things happen, “this gospel of the Kingdom” will be preached around the world.  If we seek to preach, teach, and demonstrate the gospel of the Kingdom, we must first understand it.

Dr. Dana Carson has dedicated his life to studying the Kingdom of God as taught by Jesus in the 1st Century, and identifying when and how the church got off  course in its message. Kingdom Summit is a time where theological minds come together to bring a distinction between the Kingdom and the church.

Why You Should Attend Kingdom Summit 2022!

One of the greatest challenges in the Body of Christ today is that most pastors, church leaders, and every day Christians have limited to no knowledge about what the Bible actually teaches about the Kingdom of God. This lack of Kingdom teaching has caused the church to miss the message of Christ, which has negatively impacted the church’s mission and ministry.

Christ is coming back and the end will come! The Bible teaches however that before these things happen, “this gospel of the Kingdom” will be preached around the world. If we seek to preach, teach, and demonstrate the gospel of the Kingdom, we must first understand it.

Dr. Dana Carson has dedicated his life to studying the Kingdom of God as taught by Jesus in the 1st Century, and identifying when and how the church got off  course in its message.  Kingdom Summit is a time where theological minds come together to bring a distinction between the Kingdom and the church.

Conference Speakers

All nightly services will be held at 4101 Broadway, Houston, TX 77087

Apostle Dr. Dana Carson

November 5th @ 10AM | November 6th @ 6PM

Conference Host

Dr. Dana Carson is one of the nation’s foremost Kingdom theologians and down-to-earth pastors whose radical message and raw delivery are known all over the world. Dr. Carson is the founder and senior pastor of the Reflections of Christ’s Kingdom World Outreach International (The R.O.C.K.) in Houston, TX. — a Bible-centered, Spirit-filled, Community-building, Kingdom-minded ministry founded in 2003.

Dr. T. La'Trell Penny

November 2nd @ 7PM
Dr. T.L. Penny has an immense love for God’s Word coupled with an undying love for HIS people. Having received her mandate from God, Dr. Penny, dutifully executes her calling as the Senior Pastor of Shabach World Cathedral, Inc. located in Sumter, South Carolina and Visionary of The COVENANT International Fellowship Inc.; Purposefully driven she travels both nationally & internationally declaring 'YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!'

Bishop Joseph Walker

November 3rd @ 7PM
Dr. Joseph Walker III received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; a Master of Divinity degree from Vanderbilt University and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Princeton Theological Seminary. He holds two honorary Doctorates from Meharry Medical College and Southern University, respectively. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for Meharry Medical College and Citizens Savings Bank.

Dr. E. Dewey Smith

November 4th @ 7PM
Dr. E. Dewey Smith is the Sr. Pastor/Teacher of The House of Hope Atlanta and The House of Hope Macon – one church in two locations – with a membership roll of more than 10K. A proud native of Macon, GA, he has been a minister of the gospel for 30 years. He commenced his preaching ministry at age 17 and his pastoral ministry at 19. God has highly favored Dr. Smith by allowing explosive growth and outreach to accompany his ministry.

Dr. Brad Young

November 6th @ 10AM
Dr. Bradford Humes Young, also known as Brad Young, is a professor of Biblical Literature in Judeo Christian Studies at the Graduate Department of Oral Roberts University (ORU). He is also founder and president of the Gospel Research Foundation, Inc. After receiving his B.A. from ORU, Young departed Tulsa for Israel. At the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, he pursued graduate studies in early Christianity and ancient Judaism.

Conference Workshops

November 2nd-3rd 

Introduction to Kingdom Teachings

The Kingdom and the Church

Five Perspectives of the Kingdom

The Kingdom Drivers

The Four Phases of Kingdom Discipleship

Kingdom Worship Fit For a King

Kingdom Warfare

Kingdom Women/Kingdom Men


Where the Church and the Seminary Meet - A Kingdom Work of Innovation

Dana Carson, Ph.D. is the President and Founder of the Kingdom Theological Seminary (KTS). KTS is the first of its kind, with courses led by some of the nations top scholar practitioners. This school is considered to be a disruptive seminary that takes a holistic approach to theological training and is designed to prepare you for actual hands-on instruction that is customized to your ministry needs.

A native of Jamaica, Dr. Trevor Grizzle was born in a Christian home on December 25, 1947. Institutionalized Christianity has been his experience most of his life. An undeniable life-changing encounter with Christ brought “an utter inane and vacuous life” to an end in 1964 in England, where he was converted, completed high school, and attended college part-time. Dr. Grizzle firmly believes that God wants us to love Him as much with our mind as we do with our heart; therefore, upon leaving the mission-field, he committed the next eleven years to full-time formal theological education. With a B.A. in Religion (1975) from Lee University in Cleveland, TN, and an M.Div. (1978) and Ph.D. (1984) degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas, he assumed the position of Professor of New Testament and Greek in the Graduate School of Theology and Missions at Oral Roberts University in 1982. Conjointly with teaching at ORU, he served as Associate Pastor of Care Fellowship Church of God in Tulsa for six years, and presently (in addition to teaching full-time) pastors Hope International Ministries, which he founded in March 2002. Dr. Grizzle and his wife Maureen have three children: Andre, Renee, and Trevor II, and two grandchildren: Dominic and Jasmine. Dr. Grizzle loves teaching, preaching, playing tennis, reading novels, studying foreign languages, and traveling.

Get Ready for a

"A Day in Seminary"

with Dr. Trevor Grizzle!

November 4 | 10AM-1PM

Dr. Grizzle is the professor of New Testament and Greek at Oral Roberts University.

During this session, YOU WILL RECEIVE A SEMINARY-LEVEL TEACHING on “The Kingdom, Law, and Grace.” 

This open forum will also give you the opportunity to ask questions to this amazing New Testament and Greek scholar!

A Day in Seminary

Get Ready for a

"A Day in Seminary"

with Dr. Trevor Grizzle!

November 5 | 10AM-1PM

Dr. Grizzle is the professor of New Testament and Greek at Oral Roberts University.

During this session, YOU WILL RECEIVE A SEMINARY-LEVEL TEACHING on “The Kingdom, Law, and Grace.” 

This open forum will also give you the opportunity to ask questions to this amazing New Testament and Greek scholar!

A native of Jamaica, Dr. Trevor Grizzle was born in a Christian home on December 25, 1947. Institutionalized Christianity has been his experience most of his life. An undeniable life-changing encounter with Christ brought “an utter inane and vacuous life” to an end in 1964 in England, where he was converted, completed high school, and attended college part-time.

Dr. Grizzle firmly believes that God wants us to love Him as much with our mind as we do with our heart; therefore, upon leaving the mission-field, he committed the next eleven years to full-time formal theological education. With a B.A. in Religion (1975) from Lee University in Cleveland, TN, and an M.Div. (1978) and Ph.D. (1984) degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas, he assumed the position of Professor of New Testament and Greek in the Graduate School of Theology and Missions at Oral Roberts University in 1982. Conjointly with teaching at ORU, he served as Associate Pastor of Care Fellowship Church of God in Tulsa for six years, and presently (in addition to teaching full-time) pastors Hope International Ministries, which he founded in March 2002.

Dr. Grizzle and his wife Maureen have three children: Andre, Renee, and Trevor II, and two grandchildren: Dominic and Jasmine. Dr. Grizzle loves teaching, preaching, playing tennis, reading novels, studying foreign languages, and traveling.

Kingdom Symposium 2022

November 5th | 10AM-4PM

The Kingdom Symposium is your access to some of the leading Kingdom scholars in our world today! Just like the lecture halls of a seminary, you will have an opportunity to ask questions to these amazing Kingdom leaders and theologians. Get ready for this powerful symposium as the scholars discuss “The Kingdom of God!”

Symposium Speakers

Apostle Dr. Dana Carson

Symposium Topic:

The Kingdom of God and Eschatology

Dr. Brad Young

Symposium Topic:

The Kingdom of God as an Older Testament Reality

Dr. Trevor Grizzle

Symposium Topic:

The Kingdom of God, the Messianic Expectation and the Intertestamental Period

Dr. Marcia Clarke

Symposium Topic:

The Kingdom of God and the Ministry of Jesus

Dr. Clifton Clarke

Symposium Topic:

The Kingdom of God as a Global Reality
Apostle Dr. Dana Carson

Register Today!

Kingdom Summit

Conference registration only
$ 169
  • Access to Conference Seminars
  • On-Demand access to Conference Content
  • Priority Seating during nightly worship services
  • Free nightly services for children (0-11)

Kingdom Summit

Conference & Symposium registration
$ 279
  • Access to Conference Seminars
    (In person and on demand)
  • Access to the Scholarly Symposium
  • Priority Seating during nightly worship services
  • Free nightly services for children (0-11)

Kingdom Summit

Symposium registration only
$ 109
  • Access to the Scholarly Symposium
  • Q&A with Symposium Panelist
  • Network with Christian Leaders and Bible Scholars
  • Childcare will be provided at a cost


Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a five fold ministry leader or church leader searching for a Kingdom understanding to teach those that follow you, then the Kingdom Summit and Symposium is for you. You will learn about the Kingdom of God in a practical way that will assist you in transforming congregations with the Kingdom message! 

The Kingdom Summit and Symposium is also for serious Bible students who desire to learn everything about their Kingdom purpose and the will of God for their lives. You will learn various aspects of the Kingdom and how to apply it practically to your life! 

When you attend the Kingdom Summit and Symposium, you can expect to gain skills and knowledge that will help you stay relevant in the 21st century context, whether you are preaching to others or witnessing to your family and friends. You will learn about the power of the Kingdom and how it disrupts your life for God’s glory! You will also get connected to God’s end time movement of Kingdom reformation and how you can play your part in God’s providential plan. 

Experience God and spiritual development in your life as you learn from the Kingdom scholars, network with other kingdom minded leaders, and gain access to Kingdom resources for personal growth!

God wants to meet YOU during this anointed time as we gather to learn about “And This Gospel of the Kingdom Shall be Preached…” You will experience life-transforming workshops by day including an enlightening “Day at the Seminary” with Dr. Trevor Grizzle; electrifying and powerful worship services by night with special guest speakers, Dr. TL Penny, Bishop Joseph Walker, Dr. E. Dewey Smith, Dr. Brad Young, and Apostle Dr. Dana Carson! You will also get a one-of-a-kind opportunity to glean from the world’s leading Greek, Hebrew, and Kingdom scholars at the Kingdom Symposium. Don’t miss YOUR chance to experience the power of God; learn from these scholars; and personally connect with God’s end time movement of Kingdom reformation and revival! 

The Kingdom Summit & Symposium conference is a hybrid conference – it will be hosted both online and on campus. If you would like to physically attend, the conference will be held at 4101 Broadway Street, Houston, TX 77087.