Picture of Dr. Dana Carson

Dr. Dana Carson

Nothing Too Hard For God

Today’s Scripture:

Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?
– Jeremiah 32:27

Beloved, what is “that thing” that prevents you from moving forward in God? What is “that thing” that causes you to question all God has ever told you, all you have ever dreamed of, and all that you desire to accomplish in Him?  Are you too old or too young? Do you need more education? Maybe you think you lack the personal connections necessary to take you to your next place in God. Maybe your finances are non-existent and your credit rating is atrocious. Or maybe, because of past mistakes, poor decisions, and failure, you feel like you’ve disqualified yourself for what God promised you. Beloved, I’m here to tell you that whatever the case may be and regardless of the obstacle standing in your way, there is NOTHING too hard for God!

Repeatedly throughout the Bible, the scriptures remind us of God’s awesome ability to bring the impossible to pass! In Genesis 18:14, of Himself, God asks Abraham “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” In Jeremiah 32:17, the prophet declares “Ah Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! There is nothing too difficult or too wonderful for You!” And in Luke, the archangel Gabriel boldly proclaims “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God(Luke 18:27)!

To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his.
– Job 112:13

God’s ability to bring His purpose for your life to pass is not hindered by your age! His ability to take you to your next level in Him does not depend upon your finances! His ability to use you to do great things in the Kingdom is not dictated by your personal connections!  He is El Elyon – the Most High God! He is El Shaddai – God Almighty! And there is no failure in Him!

So don’t give up when facing what may seem impossible to you. God is made strong in your weakness! Fight the enemy when he attempts to cause you to doubt the promises of God hovering over your life!  Resist the temptation to succumb to fear and doubt and give up on what God showed you! Instead, rehearse this reassuring refrain, “My God is the God of the impossible and there is nothing too hard for Him!” Be encouraged! Your challenge does not challenge Him. Your obstacles do not block Him and your mistakes do not discourage Him!  He is God Almighty who rules with wisdom and power who SHALL bring your purpose to pass!

A Prayer for Today:

Heavenly Father, who can be likened unto You – God Most High?  I bind the enemies of worry and doubt, and praise You for bringing Your power to bear in my life to bring Your purpose for me to pass! Hallelujah to You, Great God, and thank You for doing the impossible for me!  In Jesus’ name I pray – amen.

Live Victoriously in 2018

A man once said, “When you don’t know the purpose of a thing, abuse of it is inevitable.” How do we as believers know whether or not we are abusing the purpose of our lives? In the insightful series, The Purpose of God, Dr. Carson will teach you that your ONLY purpose is God’s purpose and how to ensure you don’t abuse the life God has given you while you’re here on earth. This series is a must for those who want to know and understand God’s purpose and plan for their lives. Order this life-changing series today!

Complimentary Product

How do we as believers know whether or not we are abusing the purpose of our lives? In the second volume of this insightful series, Dr. Carson will teach you the difference between careers, talents, gifts, and callings, the three atmospheres through which God manifests His purpose, and more. This series is a must for those who want to know and understand God’s purpose and plan for their lives. Order your copy of this home Bible study guide today!

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